Pupils from Form II to Form VI enjoy an annual camping trip of 2 or 3 days, depending on their age group, to different places up-country. Experienced teachers from the Physical Education Department prepare a varied programme which combines visits to places of interest and recreational, fun-bonding games and activities.
Throughout the academic school year several donation drives are organized at our school to support different organizations. As a school we strive to instil in our pupils generosity. Children learn by doing and feel good by helping others. Our annual donations of clothes, wool, food and toys are ideal opportunities to promote the spirit of giving.
The Singing Exhibition is an opportunity to share with the children’s family the work our pupils in Kindergarten, Preparatory, Form I and Form II have done throughout the year in their singing, drama and poetry lessons. This exhibition is normally performed during the month of October and usually gathers a group of around 600 people.
Once a year an Art Contest is held and all pupils from Form I to Form VI take part. It is an opportunity to put everything learnt in Art lessons at use. Prizes are awarded per Form and children have the chance to excel in drawing or colouring techniques, arrangement of forms and shapes and creativity.
The School play is a very much looked forward to event in which children show what they have been working on in their Art, Drama and Singing lessons. Usually an adapted musical is performed with pupils from Form III to Form VI.
Together with the Art teacher the scenery and props are designed and done by the children. This event is typically held in the month of September with the presence of family and school authorities.
This is a sporting event in which all children take part in different athletics competitions and compete on behalf of the House they belong to. Long and High Jump, Sprints, Cross Country and Relay Races are some of the disciplines that take place.
These are a series of visits during school hours to museums, parks, factories, theatres and the sort. This gives them not only the opportunity to reinforce the learning that takes place in the classroom but also the experience of travelling in a group.